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United Roblox of Indonesia

United Roblox of Indonesia (URI) is a community of Indonesian people that plays Roblox, It has more than 16 Thousand members. The members age ranges from 8 to 22.

United Roblox of Indonesia is the largest Indonesian group in roblox.

by ScrimGod June 12, 2017

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Carlton United Tragedy

A mindset/disease affecting the greater part of the Australian hip-hop community since as early as the mid-to late 80's but the earliest RECORDED cases began in approximately 2003.

Undiagnosed, said disease can result in ultimate suffering for the individual in question. Sufferers develop symptoms aged anywhere between 16-years of age to their mid-30's although onset of said disease can ensnare victims as early as 11.(In exceptional cases especially in Boomtown, Melburn, Sydney and Adlayde.) Though not a terminal disease it can linger dormant or increasingly active until death.

Symptoms may include: Being a addict to heavy drums/drugs, the son of a broken family, (empty) Cartons in the vicinity, Carving beats like some carcass meat and the reported feeling of being "Partial to insanity, Half-full in a fantasy..."(And in certain extreme cases the indescribable, undeniable desire to ingest bulk piss but only possessing the money for a short bus trip... usually resulting in 'shenanigans', 'horseplay' or most commonly 'tomfoolery' .(see Ex 2.)

The only treatment available currently in Australia involves several months of repetitious 'Oz-hiphopology', occasional 'racking' of luxury items, 'artistic stress release' and detoxing the body of 'evil toxins' with copious amounts of beer... (if beer is not available any drink over 4.5% alcohol is acceptable as is Cask Wine(see Goon) under Aus$11.)

So far, there are no known survivors...

(Ex 1.)
Adlay #1: "Whoa, manng! Check how drunk those Kunts are. 'Carlton United Tragedy' stylin' hahahaha "

Adlay #2: "Esh, Brahh! hahaha!"

Adlay #1: "Shhh! uckfay!, I think he heard us... Let's cruise manng!!"

Adlay #2: "Eshh Brah, Outties!!"


B: I'm fiending some drinks aye...
R: Yeah... so?
B: Wish I had cash, I got no money and it's a fuckin 'Carlton United Tragedy'...
R: Shut up. Story of your life...

by 215Klique September 27, 2007

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the united states of america

letโ€™s get things straight: i do not live in america nor am i apart of the general populous that inhabits the 50 states and recognized territories in which that the united states possess; i was born and currently reside in the large city known as Liverpool, United Kingdom. However, unlike 99.9999999% of citizens that reside on the island of great britain, i am actually PRO-American. Most of the stuff we have (ie phones, furniture, hardware, etc) is shipped from you guessed it, the us of a.

what country has the strongest economy, military? The united states.

Before hating on the united states of america, via stereotyping them as โ€œignorantโ€ โ€œfatโ€ โ€œlazyโ€ go get a phone, unlock it, type โ€œthe USAโ€ in the search bar, and edu-ma-cate yaself on the bloody country. before bashing their politics and electoral system, look at our problems first, the EU for instance. we literally left because of how much of a mess it is.

โ€œtheir president sucksโ€ our prime minister is literally getting โ€œimpeachedโ€ (fired) because his @$$ was watching pr0n IN A BLOODY GOVERNMENTAL MEETING AND VIOLATED HIS OWN COVID GUIDLINES HE SET FOR US TO ADHERE TO. Before ignorantly stereotyping America negatively, open a book and read it
iโ€™m in year 11 if you think iโ€™m young or stupid :)

by aqxa on the yt June 15, 2022

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United Countries of the World

Something that could happen in the future. The United States of America would become The United Countries of the World and it would become the world nation. Antarctica would just become one country owned by the United Countries of the World. There would be no more war.

Imagine what would happen if the United States of America turned into the United Countries of the World.

by David December 8, 2003

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United states of america

The richest, most forunate, most generous and overall best country in the world.
It's probably the closest large country that is considerably Christian.
So God bless America, that's probably why America's so powerful, from all of God's blessings; but one has to see that America doesn't deserve to be blessed by God by the way it's people are.... perhaps that's why it's been getting a little bit weaker...

-where do you live?
-in the United States of America, the best country in the world, how about you?

by sinfulwretch November 8, 2005

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United Countries of the World

Something that could happen in the future. The United States of America would become the United Countries of the World and it would become a world nation. There would be no more war. Antarctica would just become a single country owned by the United Countries of the World.

Imagine what would happen if the United States of America turned into the United Countries of the World.

by David December 8, 2003

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United States of America

The United States of America is the greatest country in the world. We have worked tirelessly for many years to help hundreds of other countries and when one idiot gets into an office of power everybody immediately turns on us.

Americans: Man I love the United States of America. They are a true symbol of freedom.
World: Shut up you american pig-dogs you helped us for many years but now we spit on you because we are so ignorant.

by Thomas S October 15, 2007

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