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East Van Couch

A ratty 'ol couch in East Vancouver where many a fun nights have been had

Where are you located? East Van Couch

by Willy1972 September 6, 2023

Cheese van

A police vehicle in South Africa. They used to be yellow during the Apartheid government, hence the reference to cheese.

Hide your stash, there are some cheese vans ahead.

Don't send me nudes of your little sister, I don't want cheese vans to stop at my house

by munky82 January 26, 2018

Mr Jansen Van Rensburg

The greatest maths teacher of all time. No, greatest teacher of all time. Funny, smart, handsome, he has it all. My favourite South African and maybe my favourite man in the whole world.

Man I love Mr Jansen Van Rensburg.

Who doesn't? He's the best.

by BenjaminHaroldBays May 12, 2023

Van Stuff

Midwestern American slang for furry sex cults.

A friend of mine regularly heads up to Lake Michigan to do van stuff.

by riglef February 12, 2022

mini van wave

A wave associated we the coolest of mini van drivers. Once thought to be a form or road rage from inconspicuous fathers stuck driving the family mini van when they would rather be driving a jeep

Chris says " as this sweet mini van apporaches make sure to use your best mini van wave "

by Jxshocking August 4, 2017

van peng

If you see a nigga van peng betta hide all yall shi because a nigga gon take all yalls mfs stuff, also he’ll fuck all yalls bitch

When van peng walk on the streeth doin his pimp walk dont nobady get in the way

by Van peng November 23, 2021

van peng

If you see a nigga van peng betta hide all yall

shi because a nigga gon take all yalls mfs stuff, also he’ll fuck all yalls bitch

When van peng walk on the streeth doin his pimp walk dont nobady get in the way

OG foe life😎

by Van peng November 23, 2021