The pinnacle of idiocy. A point at which a person becomes of no use to themselves or the world around them. Arguably a point of no return.
That Donald Trump sure is a jackoff idiot.
Born out of need to describe define a specific typ of conservetiv media talking head,
that rant and rave with little care about the arguments they are making.
Ben Shapiro is well paid professional idiot
My cousin Jeffrey sold his iPhone 13 for $10. That was an idiot move.
a girl who posts her crush's name on this website and describes her crush as a gigachad
Person 1: I put my crush's name on Urban Dictionary!
Person 2: You are an idiotic lady
1: A collection or group of people acting stupid or foolish.
"Oh great, the Idiot Circus is at the mall"
An insult which has the ability to completely destroy someone's wellbeing. It means the person is a stupid person with the head of an idiot.
'Harry your such a idiot head'
A family friendly yet gut wrenching insult. It can be used in various different ways when you aren’t in the position to cuss someone out. The word is simple yet has an incredibly symbolic meaning.
“You are such an idiot head omg.”
“Look at that idiot head over there!”