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Heart zoned

The phrase given to the special zone an ex is placed in reference to the fact that she ain't having sex with him anymore but still wants him to come over to help when she need a man to do the job.

Ex boyfriend..:: "Hey man I'm gonna go help my ex with her heater."
Good friend...: ".Bro.... you gonna leave early to go help your ex. She did you wrong man. "
Ex boyfriend...:"I know. But she says I hold a special place in her heart. So maybe there is still a chance"
Good friend...:"no homie.... you have been heart zoned. There is no going back and getting the pudenda after that. !!"


by P.Marthafocker January 20, 2025

cat zone

a saying to tell you to not talk about anything unholy or to stop talking about the subject your on

“hold on im going into a cat zone real quick”

“yeah she definitely is hoeing around with... cat zone... uhm did you do the math homework last night?”

by dumassbitchasswhoreassbitch December 15, 2019

Zone sitting

When someone in Call Of Duty is sitting in a specific zone of the map on the game mode Domination.

When you and your team are being killed by people zone sitting by their flag in Domination.

by Luziach Swag May 6, 2013

The "Friend-Friend-Zone"

When you have a friend that is a girl/boy and you like them and it turns out that they like one of your best friends.
(They even mention how much they like the other person and you're there like. -_-

"I was put in The "Friend-Friend-Zone" when John said how much he did not like me and expressed his love for my best friend Chloe."

by YaYeetFinnaFote March 19, 2018


When a person pays too much attention to their device and ignores her friends. Later on they will ask what you were talking about and be completely clueless.

She's Amy-Zoned right now so she won't hear us at all.

by Dictionary111111 May 25, 2022

goldie locks zone

Just like Goldie Locks, you have picked the perfectly right option of your desires. Whether your preference be dating, in a relationship or simply the talking stage, it is the perfect situation you and your partner are currently in. This is Goldie Locks Zone.

Included for men and women of all ages and of all stages in a relationship. This is where you and your partner feel the most joyful and satisficed at their stage of the relationship.

Justin: So Ryan, are you and Jessica a thing now?
Ryan: Bro. We are in the Goldie Locks Zone. We are both perfectly happy in where we are in our relationship.

by e56r6678 October 3, 2022


Similar to "friend-zoned," its the gay equivalent of when a gay man doesn't want to be intimate with another gay man but still wishes to remain friends; essentially, they only wish to "kiki" with one another.

Friend 1: So whatever happened between Samual and Jonathan?
Friend 2: Oh girl didn't you hear? Jonathan wasn't interested in Samual like that; they're still friends tho
Friend 1: Omg, he got diva-zoned?
Friend 2: Yes mam!

by iamanotuhire July 19, 2024