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Brain damage

The thing that all dream stans, 2+ hours on a day twitter users, homophobes, tiktok users, karens and her kids have.
Mostly caused by lead in the air, fatherless childhood and using cigarettes, alcohol and drugs durring pregnancy.
If they are man and have a symptoms from above. they probably never had a touch of a woman that wasn't their mother.
And if they're a woman, they're actually a goblin in disguise.

Person1: Are you a twitter user?
Person2: Yea?
Person1: How long per day?
Person2: 23 hours.
Person1: Alright, so you have brain damage!

by Mean-bean-machine May 17, 2022

brain smack

An act of cupping ones hand over their own butthole, and farting into the hand, to later trap the gassiest stench while simultaneously whipping your hand out with great efficiency and speed to carefully keep the horrendous stench in your hand, then placing the hand under a poor unsuspecting target’s nostril. The stench will instantly travel up the nostrils and the sensation will smack the brain. Hence the term brain smacker

He brain smacked me.
He grabbed his fart and brain smacked me.
Brain smack means to catch your fart in your pants then throw it in someone’s face

by Faggatron2698 November 8, 2017

Meccy brain

The type of person who makes stupid remarks/comments.

-The earth is flat. No, it is not you meccy brain

by vleesklak May 1, 2020

Clit for brains

When a woman is lead around by sex and lets her pussy do the thinking.

My niece is a reasonably intelligent girl. But since she hooked up with this loser she sure is a clit for brains.

by jacejr829 September 28, 2016

Brain Snack

When you do so much homework without any break that your brain gets hungover and you can't think about shit. This leads to getting some delicious snack that's for "Thinking purposes"

Bob: I'm hungover, I need a brain snack.
Bill: Bitch, you're just finding another excuse to eat something you fat slob.

by Thar Master October 8, 2015

pretzel brain

When you see something and it awakens a random neuron holding long dormant and often only tangentially related memory/reference.

The pretzel being the random ass path the thoughts have to travel to arrive at the thing you remembered

Friend: yo can you believe the gas prices are so high?
Moron sings: 🎶 couldn't clean my room cause i got high 🎶

Friend: f*ck you, you pretzel brained moron

by Marquee Moon May 2, 2022

Brain Stain

When something is stuck in your head, typically a song or tune/beat, that just won't go away like a bad stain.
See also "Ear Worm"

I've got brain stain from that song on the TV advert, I can't get it out of my head and I don't know the artist!

by oretisktick October 25, 2023