this is how you would describe something that you find is funny but has no meaning or reason to be funny
he look theres a cat "lol bananas"
i saw my friend talking to the girl he likes "lol bananas"
Since lol was invented by kids, for kids, and the fact that 99% of the people typing lol aren't actually laughing out loud, lol Lal is the perfect response to this conversation killer: lol LIKE A LOSER
lol Lal aka laugh out loud LIKE A LOSER
The ULTIMATE undo to ANY insult that somehow miraculously makes everything better.
Dan:your mom is such a fucker, Lol Jk
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wenn you are sad about actually nothing. You’re just sad that you’re alone but actually you’re not. lol sad only works for singles
This is a shortened word for “league of legends” game.
League of legend is a moba game where you can battle with other people in a team of 5.
A: What game should we play
B: Let’s play lol game!
LOL expressed in the over used form of 'laugh out loud', combined with ironic meaning that's so ironic it is lame don't you think?
I ran back through the rain to my class to get my raincoat and by the time I got it on and went outside,the rain had stopped.Well that's lol-ronic
when your goofy ahh acting sheeesh among us sussy baka empire #BBCforlife
yo timmy your so goofy ahh lol. George said why im i so goofy ahh lol why im i here just to suffer sheesshhh