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country music

a.) Real music that you can actually understand, performed by artists who can actually sing and play instruments (not just shout obscenities and sometimes-rhyming slang backed by a drum machine or fragments of somebody else's record played off turntables). Music that condones patriotism and traditional American/family values instead of drive-by shootings, murders, drug usage, racism (i.e. hatred of white people) and general lawlessness.
This type of music is usually enjoyed by proud, honest, hard-working people who have chosen not to be a drain on society by living on welfare and/or spending most of their adult life in prison. You'll never see it on MTV because it's not trendy, thuggish or amoral (like everything else on MTV). Generally not enjoyed by baggy-clothed, backwards ballcap wearing, bling wearing fashion slave "sheeple" posers who feel an irrepressible need to try to impress everybody by acting and talking like something they're not.

b.) The kind of music you'd like your kids to listen to, as opposed to "Yo, yo, I got crunked up on chronic and a fo'ty and did a drive-by 187 on the PO-lice, then c-walked back to the criznizzle and slapped mah beee-yatch."

Typical country music:

"My daddy served in the Army, he lost his right eye - but he flew a flag out in our yard until the day that he died. He wanted my brother, my mother, my sister and me to grow up and live happy in the land of the free."

"And I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free....and I won't forget the men who died to save that right for me. And I'd gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today - for there ain't no doubt I love this land.....God Bless the U.S.A."

by Redneck & Proud June 15, 2006

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rock music

Somthing that is dead.

Rock music is still alive. lie

nu-metal, emo, and MTV all killed rock and roll.
thanks alot ass hole's. rap sucks
emo kid: "Hawthorne Heights rules they are rock."
me: lie
nu-metal goth kid: Slipknot rule's they're the best rock band ever."
me: lie}
rock music is dead or on life support at the least...whatever

by Rusty Shakelfurd August 20, 2006

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Music queer

A person who overly obsesses over music, goes as far as looking up new music to seem "cool" to his friends.

Person 1: "Guys look at this new song that I just discovered, bet you've never heard it before."
Person 2: "Shut up, music queer."

by FlyingPotato38 February 21, 2017

Real Music

Real Music is a term used by people who prefer certain types of music, music that is most commonly not defined as Real Music to them is game music and music without lyrics.
Real Music is all music, from Rap to Hip Hop to Instrumental to Game Music.

"Why do you listen to that garbage, that isn't real music!"

"How about you learn what an opinion is, then you can come back to me."

by BlueEngland September 19, 2020

Real Music

It is what baby boomers call music in the 80s and before. Anything after that is "bad and not real music."

You stupid kids don't know what real music is. It's always with your raps and rocks and rolls.

by Roblox Steve December 13, 2019

Musical ConPOSER

A person who likes a certain type of music to fit into a group of popular people even though they hate the type of music.

Musical: The music

Con: Against their own opinion

Poser: A total fake who tries to fit in but makes even more of an ass of themself's than they were before.

Jeez Joel doesn't even like rock he's such a musical conPOSER

by poserh8 June 9, 2009

Musical Battleships

Derivation of classic Battleships game, with less ships and music as missiles.


- share music video you like
- if i like it a lot -> 3pts, or a little -> 2pts, or not -> 0pts
- then i fire back with a music video i like, and you score as above
- repeat

me: let's play Musical Battleships
you: <link to 'Friday', by Rebecca Black>
me: 0pts, you have no taste
me: <link to 'Brick', by Ben Folds Five>
you: 0pts
me: you have no taste and you have no heart
me: goodbye.

by drkatt March 9, 2012