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Apparently likes ice

ur such a nathan
i know the ice is amazing

by UrMomfaggot August 23, 2020


the gayest fag piece of nigger shit cock that loves 39 inch cock up his ass

I pulled a "Nathan" with your grandpa today

by wedfjfwf August 29, 2022


Nathan is that one guy that just well..........


by qweghvcxse456yhb cfty9o May 20, 2022


Nathan is a nice guy

Nathan is a nice guy

by Umy Hany August 29, 2021


Nathan is the most generous guy you'll ever meet. His happiness is always secondary to those he loves. He is sweet, caring, and the right amount of sensitive. He loves to go on adventures and is a friend to all animals. He is truly a pure, wonderful soul.

What a Nathan. He's just perfect!

by HurricaneHaley December 29, 2021


Nathan is a perfect example of someone who knows how to show love no matter the situation. Nathan is more than capable to do anything when it comes to fixing situations, whether it’s his or anyone else’s problem. He may be rude and cold, depending on how he was treated, but once you get to know Nathan, you will feel so much love and protection projecting out of Nathan. Having Nathan in your life is the best thing that could ever happen. Nathan is sweet and smart and you will not regret showing your love and attention towards Nathan. :) <3

People: Nathan is amazing and great <3

by NJSH November 21, 2023


MASSIVE PENIS. LIKE HUGE SHLONG. WILL DESTROY YOUR BUM EASILY. He is also super hot and super athletic and creative.

Joe: Hey. Do you know what happened to Sheila?
Nathan: Yeah she's in the hospital cause my penis destroyed her insides.

by JoeMamaSaysTrue February 24, 2022