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alabama hot pocket

a hot pocket from Alabama

lets go to Alabama for a Alabama hot pocket

by hunte and zahra April 6, 2016

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Alabama mud flap

When a man poop's on a peace of paper, rubs it in well and nice, rinses it of with chocolate milk, freezes it for well over an hour, and finally slaps the shit out of his female partner, or vice versa

hence mud flap

B:Oh Henry did you get chocolate milk.
H:Yes. I did Babara.
B:Well why don't give me an Alabama Mud Flap.
H:Well that sounds delightful.

by winkyface9 December 31, 2011

7πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

Too close to Alabama.

When a person too closely resembles or reminds you of a relative to be attractive.

Bro1: yo check hey out she’s fine! Go talk to her!
Bro2: Naw man, she’s too close to Alabama.

by Jack O. Cummings August 12, 2019

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Alabama Hot Waxing

Its when you first eat something that makes you want to take a shit eg. Taco Bell you go to the toilet put wax strip on your ass hole and then you take a shit. When you feel that you cant push more of your shit you take strip off.

eg. "Damn man, after this taco bell i did Alabama Hot Waxing. That feels so great"

by FankyManky June 22, 2017

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Alabama butter churn

The sexual act of rubbing butter in a female partner's genitals (preferably one of your cousins or sisters), having her urinate it back into your mouth, then regurgitating it back into her anus and using it as anal lubricant

"Hey dude last night I did an Alabama butter churn with my sis"
"This is why we don't talk anymore you sick fuck"

by NotNath April 15, 2021

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alabama pot roast

when two white guys have sex with a black woman in a bathtub full of boiling cum, resulting in a triple pregnancy unknown to who the father is.

me Mary and Kyle did a Alabama Pot Roast last. she's now going to have a triple pregnancy

by Alabama Pot-Roast January 20, 2023

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Alabama Double Team

The Girl rides Reverse cow girl style, while the guy simultaneously put’s most of his hand, in her vagina, trying to penetrate as deep as possible.

Lucy's vagina is sore after trying Alabama double team with her boyfriend.

by Schrodinger's Baby September 30, 2020

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