A girl with big bulging muscles and thighs that can decapitate a man. She can beat up anybody and will definitely steal your choccie milk. Also has a 16 incher.
What are you doing step-haven?
Spouse's step-second-cousin's spouse.
When at a corner store or any business establishment, where you're trying to conduct a business transaction and somebody comes to try and interfere in your transaction trying to conduct the business of their own.
A bro why are you stepping on someone else’s toes man, let bro conduct his business transaction and you stop trying to be janky bro.
Spouse's steppibling's husband.
My step-co-uncle-in-law is a good person.
Because I'm white, autistic, ADHD, kind, good, loving, ALWAYS right, and their golden girl wants me so bad she calls me God 🤦🏻 ♂️🧘🏻 ♂️
Why does my family treat me like a red headed step child, I talk good!