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Universal Music Group

Brainless fucking idiots who think they somehow own all audio on YouTube. Somehow these braindamaged cucks get away with falsely striking thousands of videos everyday. God for some reason allows this shitty "company" to exist on earth so unless this scum of the earth goes bankrupt (it won't anytime soon, they're the Ultimate Money Grabbers) Youtube's shitty copyright system will allow these wankers to continue stealing money from creators.

damn lol my video has millions of views but ohshit Universal Music Group copyright claimed my video because i used .3 seconds of smells like teen spirit in my video thanks umg for taking my rent lol

by KnownEnemy October 4, 2019

You Tube University

You Tube is where I learn everything these days. It's kind of like it's own little university online. LOL

Where did you learn how to make jewelry? I learned how at You Tube University!

by Dezzdito April 28, 2011

Duke University

A place where Mr.Potters Big News Reigns supreme. And Dan S. carrys the largest penis within a 100 mile radius. A Place where Trent T's presence brings the "Cuban Missile Crisis" to its fruiscion and you must succumb to its glory

You go to duke? You must of had sex with Trent or dan!

by Questos Revenge March 28, 2005

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University of North Dakota

UND… aka “The University of North Dakota”. The only people you will meet here are either professional high-functioning alcoholics who also happen to fly planes, or depressed nursing students. In the winter, you’ll freeze your ass off waiting in line for a hockey game.

Person 1: “Hey man, there’s absolutely nothing here at UND (University of North Dakota) what should we do?”
Person 2: **pours two shots of everclear**

by NDakota86 July 16, 2021

university of warwick

A university of socially inept people who definitely can't ski (hence why they lose to Loughborough at every ski race). People who lack banter and often can't speak English. Trying to be a university but is just a small college in Coventry.

Wipeout, a student at the University of Warwick, a socially inept student with no skiing ability and no banter is a perfect example of the classic 'warwick student'

by Lufbra Legend November 30, 2005

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University High School

A high school in Irvine, California where everyone is super hyper focused on the following topics:

1.) Grades- a vast majority of Uni is students that are overly obsessed with their GPA and grades. These are the students that will basically go at *extreme* lengths to raise their 89.9 to a 90.

2.) Drugs/Juuls- those who have given up on the fierce academic competition resort to drugs (mainly weed) and vaping in order to fit in. These kids can be found during classes vaping in bathroom stalls or during various points throughout the day crowded around one locker each trying to grab at the pot supply of whoever’s locker it is.

3.) Status- throughout every aspect of life at Uni is the status that comes with each individual move that they do. Some become focused on this ideal and devote their high school careers to having the coolest Instagram theme or wearing the right kinds of clothes.

In addition to these Uni fixiations, you may have noticed that Uni is located in Irvine. Irvine has been the safest city in the US for several years in a row and has garnered its reputation as being the “Irvine Bubble”. Everyone has a different interpretation of this, but the basic themes are as follows:

1.) No Poverty
2.) No Violence
3.) No Reality

All in all, University High School is a diverse community filled with different students and teachers making it both the best and worst school ever.

College Application Administrator: So, where did you attend high school?
College Applicant: University High School, in Irvine.

College Application Administrator: With those grades? That’s impressive.

Student 1: Where’d you get that pot?

Student 2: Off of some Uni kid

by woodbridgesucks October 15, 2018

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Azusa Pacific University

The second-largest Christian university in the U.S. Mostly made up of flannel wearing, long boarding, indie music listening, Africa loving, TOMS wearing or barefoot hipsters. There are twice as many girls and they are all trying to get their ring by spring.

Azusa Pacific University is where all the Christian, hipster, college kids go!

by yagirlhere June 19, 2012

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