Verb - as in Robin Hooding. The act of being Robin Hood
I'm very much looking forward to Nottingham's Official Robin Hooding at this great event - the grand reopening of Nottingham Castle!
A female who runs the streets with her friends constantly doing everybody else's drugs never contributing to the cost and when the door is all gone so is she and her friends.
Guy 1: John's got a new gf.
Guy 2: yea but she's just a HOOD RATT . I saw her last week with some other guys smoking shit at a trap house.
"My friend is wearing a hood now, I guess he's called the hood friend now ahahahahah? *gets shot*"
Hood Thumpers are those curiously tame rabbits that come looking for a snack under the bird feeder in your urban back yard. It's not clear where they come from or where they live, but they have a greater cuteness factor than that of the urban squirrel.
Bob: "Hey Tom, your cats are freaking out on the back porch, what's up with that?"
Tom: "Oh, they're really into those Hood Thumpers that are grazing beneath the bird feeders. Be careful when you step out or you'll trip over one!"
A sub-iteration of ramen noddles the utilizes Oriental flavor Top-ramen along with mayonnaise, onions, Valentina sauce and is often paired with saltine crackers
Guy 1: you want some hood ramen
Guy 2: Nah Im straight, that shit good, but it'll leave ya breath stanky
Usually an ugly duckling who thinks she is hot shit. They get pregnant in high school by your local drug dealer who only sells grams of weed. She usually engages in sex for cigarettes and drugs. The hood whore is believed to be learned behavior(Usually gets it from her mama). The hood whore tends to brag about sleeping with men in relationships. She is usually in and out of your local county jail. She will brag about being crazy and petty. The hood whore has no motivation and bad hygiene. You can usually find your hood whore in a low budget hotel, the abortion clinic, your towns local bar, and the welfare office. She will brag about getting to a “bag”(check) while working 22 hours a week making $8.55 a hour. The hood whore is usually infested with STI’s.
Sean- I have to go get checked out. I herd Brittany had a STI. I slept with her without a condom on and I’m freaking out!
Tori- that’s what you get for having unprotected sex with the hood whore. She sleeps with everyone bro.