Coined by YouTuber and content creator JaySoullz this is the theory that after you stop talking to a girl or guy, whether it be due to an argument or disagreement, you don’t leave on a really bad note. U keep it cordial, don’t yell back or argue, and you can later spin the block when you’re doing even better in life and the options she had are starting to weign. She will have forgotten the feelings that made her willing to stop talking to you in the first place, and by then you will have multiple other girls to immediately take her spot if she acts up again.
“Yelling and arguing with a female completely goes against CST(cordial separation theory)”
“If you’re following CST, you know you have to keep it calm at all times”
Theory of everything.
Theory that infinity^infinity dimensions moving at uncountable speed creates an orthogonal circle.
Pan-meta theory meets avant-nihilism which comes from the future. In avant-nihilism, a circle of shine is created if an infinite number of colors are deposited into the circle.
Pan-meta theory proffers that a plurality of multiverses reduces perfectly into a universe.
Reconciles panchronicity and panchrony.
Pan-meta theory explains why color creates music in terms of reflection.
Paradigm that individual intention is modular. Occasionally, the theory of everything.
An addendum to triene-ism.
Pan-meta theory is an infinite line of equally long-discrete-parts that curves from trans-infinite space to super-symmetry.
The paradigm that states that human intention contains its pre-requisite definitions is triene-ism. In other words; you are missing material things or memories; but the STRUCTURE of YOUR intentions stays intact.
At no point is your intention missing its components.
Pan-meta theory; more than a stand-alone theory; is an appendix to triene-ism which adds a universal-contingent of modularity to intention.
What I call homo-sapiens who are addicted to abscesses.
Person 1: Are you addicted to abscesses?
Person 2: Yes.
Person 1: Game Theory (Truth Or Dare)
Person 1:
You know the economy is going to cum back, but you don't know when, and you don't know where it might go.
Helen told her boyfriend that his orgasms were so inconsistent, he should be studying the Theory of Economic Ejaculation.
so basically, it referes to the theory from how i met your mother which says that the potential of a relationship is determined by whether one person in the relationship loves olives while the other one don't. In this case, the one who hates olives gave them to the other so they completed eachother. But the theory is not just about opposing points fitting well together : the most important thing is about willing to sacrifice something you love, to give it to the other.
Ted Mosby, HIMYM : The olive theory is based on my friends Marshall and Lily : he hates olive, she loves them. In a weird way, that's what makes them such a great couple.
Later, Marshall actually admitted that he liked olives but gave them to Lily because she loves olives more