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Urban Dictionary

BRUH did you really just search this!? C'mon for real?? You should know this. I cant believe you.

"I searched up 'urban dictionary' in the urban dictionary and got shamed"

by NonStop_Gaming December 2, 2020

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Urban dictionary

A place where you discover the most hilarious/scaring words that have ever existed

Your FRIKEN on the urban dictionary right now! Why need an example?

by __Monotone__ October 26, 2016

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Urban dictionary

A website where people can look up slang words if they don’t know what they mean

You can also submit your own if you want to and have an acct


what does that mean
bro look it up on urban dictionary

by dummythiccegg January 26, 2020

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Urban Dictionary

This website. (UD).

Ima use UD, cuzz the Urban Dictionary is lit!

by DarkHuman15 May 6, 2018

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Urban Dictionary

Any place that claims that definitions are decided by peers, but are actually finalized by a body of hypocrites.

The butthole of God.
The butthole of anything.

Urban Dictionary is an Urban Dictionary.

Oh stop behaving like an Urban Dictionary!

by BTGSOLDIEROFYHVH December 6, 2018

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Urban Dictionary

The piece of shit you're looking at right now.

"What's urban dictionary?"
"Basically it's the internet Dictionary where you find meanings for a bunch of shitty words used on the internet such as cringe, like, and retarded"
"Ah, ok"

by ToppingNoob April 4, 2020

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Urban Dictionary

When you feel sad come to this place it will enlighten you with the most pleasant and "appropriate" definitions. Here they use fine literature and most straightforward answers.

Urban Dictionary, just search my name, its mykola.

by edgykid9000 April 18, 2017

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