A dude that really died and then said wake up.
Person one: I see a zombie
Person two: Hey it’s Joe!
Zombie: MRrrrb
A person who looks and acts stupid named kalel
That my friend zombie, that means kalel
A person who has been killed, then reanimated. They are dead. Very, very dead. If you come into contact with a zombie you need to do one of two things, or both: 1. Run, 2. Kill it. Either way, you shouldn’t have them near you.
I would recommend making a plan for the ZA, just in case.
Me: Hey is that a zombie?
Person: Yeah
Me: We should go kill it
Brent and David got chased down the road by a couple of zombies.
DJ Dre (Andry) on Ice radio. a species of zombie that does not sleep, and if it decides to sit in the same place; let it be only for 1 hour and start at 5 AM. Losrrr
Person: Hey Andry when do you go to sleep!?
Andry: well i go to sleep at 5, but i'll be up before 7.
Person; J00 Zombie!!!!
A slang word used for cheap or bad marijuana. Most commonly noted in the song Down Under by Men at Work.
Traveling in a dried out kombi; On a hippy trail head full of zombie
Whilst receiving head the guy pulls out at the last moment and shoots his load in his partners eyes. This temporary blinding will cause the partner to close there eyes, groan and put there arms out in front of them feeling around giving the impression of being a Zombie.
A) “Your Mrs looks like she has sore eyes.”
B) “Yes, I gave her a zombie after she sucked me off in the gents toilet. Now she is a bit pissed off with me.”
A) “Sometimes love hurts. Pint?”