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Friend zone

When the person from the opposite (or same) sex rejects you're proposol of getting into a relationship with them, but still wants to be friends with you, most people hate being friendzoned, because THEY THINK the person they want to get into a relationship with will probably choose a good for nothing man/woman over them, don't think like this, the person who friendzoned you probably won't go in a relationship with you is probably not because the like somebody else, maybe they are asexual, or can't date you because they're parents forbid it, just because someone doesn't want to date you, doesn't mean that they like someone else, and a lot of people forget.

Good example of dealing with a friend zone:

Kyle: Hi Sarah, i have meaning to tell you this, but i had a crush on you since elementary school, and being friends for so long, i wanna tell you that i love you and i wanna get into a relationship with you.

Sarah: wow Kyle, i never thought you liked me like that, but i'm not ready for a relationship, but i still want to be friends!

Kyle: that's ok, even if you don't feel the same way, i don't wanna make a big fuss about it, i really don't want this friendship to end, come, let's go get some ice cream.

Bad example of dealing with a friend zone:

Kyle: Hi Sarah, i have meaning to tell you this, but i had a crush on you since elementary school, and being friends for so long, i wanna tell you that i love you and i wanna get into a relationship with you.

Sarah: wow Kyle, i never thought you liked me like that, but i'm not ready for a relationship, but i still want to be friends!

Kyle: Wow, really? You are just going to reject me like that, with everything i have done for you?

Sarah: What?

Kyle: i have been such a nice guy to you for all these years, yet i can't be you're boyfriend? I bet you're gonna get heartbroken by some manipulative asshole while you couldv'e gotten with a nice guy like me.

Sarah: i'm sorry, what?!

Kyle: you girls never go for the nice guys like me, fuck you.

by Yeetman42069 May 31, 2019

Friend Zone

the space/pause between boy friend and girl friend is the friend "zone"; classifying you only as a friend that is a guy or a friend that is a girl, nothing more.

Friend 1 : omg you and Bob act like y'all dating
Friend 2: NAHHHHHH, he's just my boy_friend.
Friend 1: ouch you friend zoned him

by chicken pen15 March 26, 2016

Friend Zone

Sean Murphy

Bro did you hear I got Sean Murphy’d last night, total friend zoned

by Jpulli32 October 12, 2019

Friend Zone

Friend Zone-an unbreakable box where you can never EVER escape. When a person says "lets just be friends" and you want to fucking die because you know they like somebody else. You had a chance and you royally fucked it up my dude.

see; heartbroken, forbidden love, lonely nights, etc.

Person 1: Hey, I think we really hit it off and I want to ask you on a date
Person 2 pulls out pepper spray
Person 1 is now stuck in the Friend zone

by go to bed its 3am June 16, 2022

Friend Zone

A term used to stigmatize women for not having reciprocate feelings towards someone who is "into them". It is intended to make females feel bad for not liking someone in a romantic/sexual way.

This girl just left me in the Friend Zone. What a tight ass she is for not being attracted to each and every male human being she knows. And she DARES to think it is fine for us to only be friends? I can't believe I've been nice to her all this time and she isn't even gonna sleep with me.

by HeimdallTheGatekeeper February 11, 2018

friend zone

A place where no guy wants to be but always happens to end up there. The girl could've let you down because simply she doesn't like you or she likes you too much. Maybe you are too special and she doesn't want to let you go, she doesn't want to lose a friendship because what if one day you break up? Don't stop trying bud.

Guy- She said she loved me though.
Dude- Then why is she dating that douche? He's such a jerk.
Guy-I don't know man
Dude-You're deep in the friend zone my friend.

by deinelancaine November 30, 2014

Friend zone

Friend zone does not exist it is made up term that people use when they are rejected from another person to be there girlfriend/boyfriend. When u are rejected it usualy means that u are fat or gay

She put me in friend zone

No she didnt u are just fat and gay

by NiggyTheRealOne September 22, 2020