A man who has drank too much beer.
Stop drinking so much beer you pregnant man!
This is a name given to a man who is small and has a rounded belly which makes him looks pregnant. These people usually go by the name Thomas or Tom for short.
Tom was described as a pregnant man
A) Said of a relatively little known person born into unfavorable social circumstances who is one day destined to become great.
B) the exact opposite of definition a, a person born into prosperity and wealth who is destined to be delegared to the dustbin of history.
While Marco Rubio or Ben Carson fit definition a) of man in the iron mask, Jeb Bush would sure fit definition b), only because the USA was NOT designed to be a nepotistic monarchy, but a democracy.
A) a person from the loser social classes who is destined to become great
B) the exact opposite, a person born into wealth and power but destined to lose everything
Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz fit the man in the iron mask definition a), while Jeb Bush would fit definition b).
A term used for greatness, importance or similar beer pong legend.
A crime fighter similar to Jack Bauer on 24 but but a whole lot more bamf in every way
Did you see bamf man last night on tv, he saved the united states from that terorist attack?
It was so bamf!!
The absolute unit we needed he is extremely hot and has a Pringle can sized cock and gets all the bitches he is accompanied by too side kicks xavien and august
When I was sad I needed matt man