Me, I am the Man.
"NO GOSH DARNY DARN WAY IS THAT THE MAN!!!!!!!1!!111!1!!!!!"
A really cool guy (usually named David Smith) with lightly red hair and a fair complexion accented with freckles on the arms, shoulders, and face. It is easy to recognize "the man" because he is oozing with sheer awesomeness.
Did you see "the man"? His sexy was turnt up to 10 today.
Dave Smith is definitely "the man"
ric flair used to say "to be the man, you've got to beat THE man". becky lynch defeated charlotte flair (ric flair's daughter) for the wwe smackdown women's championship, thus she has claimed the title 'the man' for herself. so, becky lynch is the man.
everyone is tough until the man comes around.
she is taking a beating from the man.
everyone tries to be the man too much.
One of the very first terms every actually placed onto Urban Dictionary.
As put by Funk Naz-T:
"The Man is the head of 'the establishment' put in place to 'bring us down.' Though nobody has physically seen 'the man,' he is assumed to be a male caucasian between the ages of 25-40 and is rumored to have a substantial amount of acquired wealth, presumably acquired by exploiting those whom his 'establishment' is 'keeping down.'"
cat funy cat silly funny cat silly item isilenm funny cst the man cat funny silly pussy cat funny silly GOFFY
logan: the man is overpowered
bat: cat funy cat silly funny cat silly item isilenm funny cst the man cat funny silly pussy cat funny silly GOFFY
Thinking you're the greatest person on earth while actually being a huge tool
Aaron: Hey guy I'm the man
Me: No actually you suck at everything you do and you are a big piece of shit
A name that the homeless man that is a alcoholic From SML(Super Mario Logan) said to Mario because he gave him a cheese burger man but how homeless man spells it is is cheez berger man
Homeless guy: Cheez Berger man
Mario: my names not cheese burger man it's Mario
Homeless guy: cheeez berger man