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Fat boi

A boi that is fat.

Damnnn that is a fat boiii

by Jdvd hi zjx c September 8, 2020

boy 6

ugly and stupid

stop being such a boy 6

by ydihdjrjj September 18, 2021

Bitch-boy Foreigner Genes

Having a distaste for uncomfortable weather, having a preference for comfortable weather

Not to be confused with bitch-boy foreigner jeans, which are highly valuable

“A 70 degree dry night is easily better than a 55 degree wet night”
“Your bitch-boy foreigner genes are kicking in

by Jj McWeiner June 12, 2020

Cock Boi

(N) asshole; douchebag; impudent little fucker

Jasyn, quit being such a cock boi

by jblakely June 1, 2022

Dreamy Boi/EchoIsSad

A random person who won't shut the fuck up about anything only because of the fact that they wants friends but ends up fucking it up because they don't like themselves

random user: hello
Dreamy Boi/EchoIsSad; shut the fuck up
random user; shut up Dreamy Boi/EchoIsSad
Dreamy Boi/EchoIsSad: ok

by Defiantly would fuck a skele November 25, 2020

hot boi

hot boi is a person with a stank breath and also fav food is pizza

in the back seat that boy what a hot boi

by pumpumyug July 8, 2023

oh boy what flavor

You search this up because you know the muffin song.

Dad: I baked you a pie
Kid: oh boy, what flavour
Kid: Dad, I'm hungry
Dad: Hi, Hungry, I'm Dad
Kid: Why did you make me this way? Why, why--
Hungry: I'M hungry. You locked me in the basement for years.
Dad: Oh, sh--
Kid: What the fu--
Kid: "oh boy what flavor? DEATH, DEATH, DEATH"

by RandomBoredPerson uwu April 22, 2024