Someone who's alive but dead,like watching everyone live there life and there just spectating everyone els .
Are you ok do you wanna live?
I don't wanna die but I don't wanna stay either I'm a Ghost Boy
A rebal. Collects rain water, doesn't smoke weed, or drink, purposely pays taxes late. And shops at nofrills
C'mon man! Don't be a Canadian bad boy, and pass cars on the left right hand lane!!!!
A movie character who sells their soul for something like a shot at the big time, as opposed to just for money.
Mugatu was a movie character who became a punk ass errand boy.
Tyresse is the definition of pretty boy. He is the prettiest boy to exist. He is just so perfect
A Doo Doo Boy can mean your a homosexual, jerk, idiot, rude, piece of shit etc.
When I invited D on my friends boat to go fishing I thought he would be respectful. He was a jerk therefore D was a Doo Doo Boy!
tomorrow by together or txt are the 4th generation IT boys
i love the 4th generation it boys they’re the best 4th gen it group!