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national give ownership to hunter day 2021-12-23

The day firestar gives hunter owner

national give ownership to hunter day 2021-12-23 the day firestar gives hunter owner

by xxfurryxxxxxxxfirestarxxhunter December 23, 2021

12 gauge shotgun

Shotgunning 3 four lokos

No better pregame than a 12 gauge shotgun am I right?

by Upperdecker69 April 1, 2022

12 inch

The length of a footlong sandwich in Subway.

Hello Ian!
Yep, okay?!?
Wanna go to Subway?
I guess, I'll order a footlong
They're 12 inches long!
Go figure.

by God of family-friendliness December 15, 2021


A retarded league player actually playing in EUW

Me:ehi do you know who awwn(12) is?
Friend:yes, he is a boosted bonobo sitting in gold

by Tunillo May 9, 2018

Fuck 12

On fonem grave this be when you bangin yo set and 12 pull up with cold feet actin like they is somethin. Also used to say fuck 12 on fonem I jugg them niggas blick.

On fonem grave fuck 12, fuck wrong with niggas.

by Real Banger December 21, 2024

February 12

People born on this day should kill themself and be lonely 4ever

;you being born on February 12th;
me: ewww u born on feb 12th
them: yeah?
me: go kys😜

by Leave.me.alone😜 February 9, 2024

February 12

Feberuary 12 is my friend Samuel's birthday

Me: Guess what its february 12!
Person: Wow lemme go say happy birthday to Samuel

by savannahxmccaskillll November 14, 2021