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Real Mothafuckin' Soft

Smooth, elegant, refined--dope. Masculinity at it's purest form. Strength embodied softly.

Dang, Steph's jumper is real mothafuckin' soft.


Remember when Deon went 100 yards on his toes, that shit was real mothafuckin' soft.

by Isingofshine February 23, 2023

For real banana peel

An expression used in a situation to infer that one is as serious as a heart attack, but in a banana peely way.

Saira: wow! For real? Did you really tongue kiss Matt Damon?!

Joey: For real banana peel!!!

by aerdu May 28, 2013

Real Dude Hours

real nigga hours for white dudes who are too pussy to say nigga.

Jamal: Hey, Peter, what time is it?!

Peter: Uhhh...
Jamal: Reallll...
Peter: Real Dude hours??
Jamal: White ass bitch-boy. Good for you.

by imgoingtokillmyself June 24, 2016

Dev (Real Meaning)

Has a 12in dick, fucks girls and is the alpha male of his group. His 12in dick is never a problem.

Dev (Real Meaning) IS SO HOT

by NouriIsNotCool October 5, 2020

The Real Broker Show

Real Broker Show is a show where real estate agents show viewers inside apartments for rent or sale across the city.

Yo! I just saw this dope 1 bedroom apartment on the Real Broker Show just now.

by ReneofReal November 16, 2017

scales: mermaids are real

A movie with many plot hole, a high edit bugdget, and other confusing things, its almost like the people who directed it were high off of crack

p1: have you ever heard of scales: mermaids are real ?

p2: oh yeah,the movie where the main character is a derranged murder

p1: and a mermaid

by theKidCoreCARROT January 31, 2022

on some real junk

A term in which you are referring to something being completely serious and or real.

"Hey, I just took the biggest shit. On some real junk".
"On some real junk, that's really too much information.."

by Rainifer December 9, 2008