Luke; "he said leave me alone, I'm a family man and my bark is much worse than my bite" "he said leave me alone, I'm a family man if you push me too far I just might"
A Really Sexy Male, With Stone Hard Abs. Luke Is A Really Comfortable Person To Be With And Will Defend You ALWAYS. Luke Is A Type Of Person That Will Stay With You, Something Going Wrong He Will Be There For You, You Are A Really Lucky Person If You Have A Luke In Your Life
Hi Luke
first to leave the discord call like a punk
Ugly and smelly
Luke: If I was a woman I'd let you get me pregnant.
Guy: What the fuck are you talking about?
A truly amazing person. Luke's are usually nice, caring, an amazing friend, and a great person to know. He is scared of having a girlfriend because he thinks he isn't good enough or thinks he might mess things up in a relationship. A Luke is someone you would want to have in your life for a long time. His greatness may rub off on you. Everyone thinks he is cute but he doesn't think so. He usually tends to like the girls that aren't the popular ones, although some of the popular girls think hes cute. A lovable person
Doesn't he look like a Luke?
Oh definitely!
by Anonymous Guy Who Is Anonymous April 29, 2011
Luke:Is that A Luke
Oh definitely!
by Anonymous Guy Who Is Anonymous April 29, 2011
A cringey Tik toker who quit fortnite because his friends thought it was gay, other features include no hairline no fun and blocks his friends when they play fortnite
Who smells like mad cooch oh..... It's just luke
Luke is a loving individual and when I say loving its because his feral bodily gasses surround your breathing apparatus and reducing your oxygen intake to just a deadly shit smell.
Luke farted the disgusting cunt
His last name starts with E and he is the biggest suck up ever. He sucked off 14 male and 3 female teachers at our school. He is an attention seeker and will stop at nothing to suck your dick for attention. also, he is a redhead nigga who goes try-hard at everything but when you mention this he sais 'Whaaaa...??'. Luke E is also gay.
'Bro, look at the kid sucking of the principle for grades'
'He must be a Luke E'