The act of suddenly hitting a girl's boob or a man's privates with a lot of force
If you're mad at your friend, Collison test them; they'll quite being annoying and focus on their pain.
A media analysis test created by trans youtuber Lily Simpson which, like the Bechdel test or the Riz test, helps the audience evaluate trans representation in the media they engage with. The Simpson test requires that "a trans episode features only trans people in a scene talking to each other with no cis interactions to distract from the conversation." This can of course be applied not just to TV episodes but to other mediums that have a trans character. Lily Simpson coined the term in a video titled "The Trans Glee Episode" published on May 23, 2024 discussing Glee episode Season 6, Episode 7 'Transitioning'.
Can you believe Glee (2009) passes the Simpson test?
Name of an alcoholic drink that combines vodka (usually inexpensive) with Mountain Dew. Usually made out of a lack of other mixers left in the fridge.
Dude, were out of orange juice. Want to just make a couple of piss tests? I won't tell anyone.
The struggle a man has urinating into the toilet while having an erection.
Bro, I woke up with morning wood and had to pee, I had to take a Piss test.
When someone says something completely out of left field to a stranger, and based on their reaction, decides if it was a test or not.
Schrödinger's Test Guy: *insert offensive or ridiculous thing*
Guy: "What the fuck???"
Schrödinger's Test Guy: That was a test, and you just failed.