Source Code

word money

a greeting short for "word up g money"

"Ayyo nigga what's happening???"
"Word money."

by Nick D February 13, 2003

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The Y word

'The Y word' is a term for sexual intercourse for furries, it is also most commonly known as 'Yiff'

Sally: hey snuggles, do you wan't involve the 'Y word' in our enjoyment
Snuggles: what is 'the Y word'?
Sally: it's the term for Yiff, in other words fuck me!
Snuggles: I will rub my furry hand on your anus and then i'll Yiff you.

by @lel. fu August 20, 2019

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Stoner Word

A word you create when you are stoned or high. Pockage is a stoner word.

"Hey man, we partied so hard last night, and came up with the best Stoner Word!"

by Kelli & Morgan June 23, 2008

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dirty words

words that make you horny

Chloe got her first boyfriend. she never got to go out, but one night she did. as soon as she gets to Joshes house they rush to his room. he pushes her on the bed and they start making out. she kisses down his neck all the way to his penis. she sucks his dick. her tung twirls around his balls. when he cum shes shook. that's the best cum shes ever had. chloe leans back and josh sits up. he dives into her pussy licking every wich way. she lets out a moan. next thing you know josh is on top sticking it in her. "uhh. uhh. harder, fuck me harder" so he does. he whispers DIRTY WORDS in her ear

by two pretty bffs November 11, 2020

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the forbidden word

very racist ok don't say it.. but im gonna say it... NIGG

person 1 : yo wassup my nigga
person 2 : hey! you can't say the forbidden word thats racist! your white grrr

by the forbidden word November 26, 2019

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buzz words

'buzz words are a cyllyndrellic convex that tile aristotle's philosophical plane perflectly and with no in-contradiction'

i asked the guy what a buzz words was but he just throwned a bunch of difficult words to understand seemingly with no intention of being meaningful
lol that's what buzzwords are

by Astronomicsmallchungustheorem October 23, 2022

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Words in Urban Dictionary that will never see conversation, words made up out of boredom.

Words like hostage lunch, rabbit choker, vylicious and Obso-word, will simply never be used in any conversation.

As with most Urban Dictionary words, it is made from two words: Obsolete + Word.

Jak :: Dood! I just submitted 12 awesome words to Urban Dictionary!
Nick :: Great, do you think anyone will actually ever use them in a civil conversation?

Jak :: Uhmmmmm.....
<User "Jak" has signed off>
/Nick/ :: That's what's called an "Obso-word"

"Obso-word" is actually an obso-word itself!

by Hackermeyer June 22, 2009

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