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September 2

National boys have to ask their crush out and they cant say no.

boy: hey shawty
girl: ew what
boy: wanna go out
girl: no ew
boy: but its september 2
girl:oh okay

by cakeysthisass September 2, 2022

September 2

National Tall person day, Jasmine owes anyone taller than her 20$

Go get your free 20$ from Jasmine its September 2

by September 2, 2021

September 2

You should be very happy cos junkhooks b-d is on 9-1 and umm your a very lucky girl or boy you should be happy even If your not born on 2 Sep and you'll get rich and meet your idol very soon 55% chance

September 2 ppl are so lucku

by Its_me_♡♡ November 23, 2021

September 2

September 2 is the 245th day in the Gregorian calendar, it is the national day of Vietnam.

Oh my god, bro! It's September 2, Mom has bought you Banh Tet!

by hpy174 January 3, 2022

Gaslight 2

You see with your ocular muscles within your eyes, there exist within this plane of existence within our own dimension in a certain part of the universe on this certain part of this planet called earth, where there is this mono/singular/sole/solitary/specific/single/special/particular non-gender defined organism classified as a female on our planet, in a society, in a certain part of the universe, in the same dimension within the same plane of existence who was, is, to be, titled with the name Summer.

Summer: *Gaslight 2 Orlando*
Orlando: DEGAF

by Kurukon October 1, 2022

$2 shop

A variety or discount shop, that is known for selling low cost goods.

Ranging from home luxury items, to party decorations, alongside toys and kitchen utensils.

"Let's go to the $2 shop to buy some cheap things."

by Sirenwatcher May 22, 2017

Porbis 2

Hello porbis megafans. Indulging in another login to my urban dictionary account, I was surprised to find I have caused somewhat of a ruckus.

Porbis, or in this case porbis 2 (which has a silent "2" and follows the same grammatical rules as its linguistic ancestor btw) is primarily used in place of an adjective.
Someone cannot "be a porbis" in the same way that someone cannot "be a terrible".
This is basic porbis knowledge and whilst there is leeway (e.g. using porbis in place of an exclamation such as "wow!") as king of porbis this is law and I am right and I was here first so I win (minus that one incoherent definition from 2019)

Anyway porbis 2 out now so porbis obsolete and this time I definitely did it first. Everyone knows it's not a proper word until it's on urban dictionary anyway or something so I win.

"Everyone here is being really porbis 2 but I kind of like it. I feel like we've got a community going"

"I know right? It's getting more porbis 2 out here by the minute"

"Porbis 2 lol!"

by King Of Porbis September 24, 2023