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Wall Street white

Another word for cocaine. The word comes from how Wall Street executives would often snort cocaine at work in the 1980's.

Jimmy's been tweaking ever since he snorted a few lines of that Wall Street white!

by Antman7000 April 7, 2017

Through The Wall (TTW)

The act of getting a wallbang in any FPS on multiplayer. Weapon of choice would be a sniper rifle with FMJ.

Can be used to describe awesome stuff.

Issac: Head shot Through The Wall (TTW) mother fucker.

by ThroughTheWall November 12, 2010

habitual wall poster

One who constantly posts on others facebook walls.

Adrienne is such a habitual wall poster, she wrote on my wall 5 times in a row after she found out about me and her mother.

by Drobe1 November 19, 2008

Breaking the Eleventh Wall

Making such a deep and universe-transcending reference, that one references metaphysical limitations or extrapolations, culminating in a mind-blowing experience. Called the eleventh wall because it references the idea in String Theory that there are 11 dimensions.

"So I was Breaking the Eleventh Wall so badly when I was telling my friend about how everything from poop to quantum mechanics demonstrate the metaphysical connections to reality."

-Some Random Guy On a Street

by UrbanPhilosopheroftheDankWebz May 27, 2017

walled lake northern

a high school in michigan where everyones parents make 6 figures or more. 95% of the school has a breeze. everyone dresses like basic bitches or full on cosplayers that will hug for 5 minutes straight just smelling each others hair. the boys bathroom and locker rooms are only for hotbboxing and fights. white people act black, black people act like white people, and the white boys will say slurs you've never even heard of. all the male science teachers are creeps and will hit on you if your underage

"im talking to a new girl"

"what school she go to?

"walled lake northern"

"oh nah she's def crazy"

by shawtyyyyyyyybae4 January 14, 2022

Walled lake northern

A school full emos, homophobs that havent came out yet, girls that talk shit about eachother but keep it on social media because none of them can actually fight, tuesday and thursday pizza days, lots of politicians even though they dont have a right to vote yet, nudes leaked around the school, no stalls open when u actually have to use the bathroom because of the StOnErs + people getting caught in the bathrooms at lunch and using the excuse "it isnt mine:,((" , girls and guys using eachother, leggings and crop tops, non serious rasist jojes because of our 90% white population and dont forget our favorite day of the week #khakiday 😋

"bro i rly like her"
friend- "what school does she go to"

"walled lake northern"

"bro she's definitely cheating on and using you"

by gonknights! October 21, 2021

double wall bang

When you get fucked against a wall TWICE!

Person 1: What happened to you?
Person 2: I got double wall banged

by CommitDeletus June 28, 2020