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Matt presto

Very muscular man who loves chips ahoy and benches 300 pounds and loves batu and is boys with Jack Cicione but he’s a bot

I am very Matt presto for going to the gym.

by Matt presto December 28, 2022

Matt A

Matt A is an amazing person and God's gift to your life! He will cheer you up anytime and he's good at it too. He is a person you can be around and not get too annoyed with (most of the time at least). I think the only thing that this person needs to work on is time management. besides that, he's a spectacular monkey!
He also works out a lot and loves eating food as well.
He is also besties with Matt P and they both love each other

Me: Hey, have you seen Matt A?
MB: No, why?
Me: He said he would meet me here.
MB: when?
Me: um, let's see... *checks time* *jaw drops* "It was supposed to be about 5 hours ago".
MB: bruh what?!

*car drives in parking lot* * they both look up and look at the car*
Me: who is tha... are you kidding me?!
MB: what?
Me: It's Matt A.
*Matt A walks out of the car with a huge smile on his face*
Me: what are you smiling about?
Matt A: I'm so happy I made it here on time!
Me: no you didn't, look at the time you are 5 hours late!
Matt A: No look I said this time......Oh my bad, I read that wrong.
Me: you're lucky you are a great person!
Folks make sure you work on your time managment so you don't end up in Matt A's situation!

(<3 U)

by yeahiknowihavethebiggestbutt November 2, 2023

matt taco

A matt coat, that's applied on top to finish and conserve a design.
Can also have quick drying qualities making it a quick dry matt taco
Commomnly used in regards to nailpolish as established by Simply Nailogical on Youtube
Related to: glossy taco, holo taco, and quick dry taco

I'm using a matt taco, because I thought it looked cool with the neonness goin on.

by Deamonia July 15, 2017

Matt W

A smexy mf. My dad, not really but ehhhhhh. Very Tall Boi. We all love him cmon. We actually stan. Very cash money. I can't wait for him to be embarrassed. Almost as sexy as Matt Smith.

There should be a Midsommar gif somewhere for you boo. xo

Love you matt xoxo

Ahaa don't take that the wrong way its platonic booooo.
All jokes xo

Person: You know Matt W?
Me: Oh yes, he is very cash money, no?
Person: Uh yeah...

by Wheezybibliophile October 26, 2019

dorky door matt

A guy named Matt…hence why the word matt has an extra T in it. He’s dorky, adorable and very homey like a beautiful door matt that you see on someone’s porch.

You’re such a dorky door matt! I should place you on my porch!

by xAnomally March 25, 2022

Sober Matt

A music teacher that talks shit on Discord about anything on his mind.

"what the fuck did you say Sober Matt?

by sulima May 21, 2023

Matt Hazard

An extremely cool person, specifically reserved for Matthew Nissen

Damn here comes Matt Nissen

No bro hes MATT HAZARD

by MATT HAZARD September 15, 2010