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Anal Gurning

Pulling an awkward or pained face during anal sex. Looking rather like contestants in traditional gurning competitions. Ideally the person would be framing their faces through a horse collar — known as "gurnin through a braffin".

My girlfriend pulled an anal gurning face last night when we had anal sex..

by John is badder than me. October 6, 2014

Anal clash

Intensely jousting with the buttocks. Or two people running backward with their butts out towards each other in order to make a juicy plop of cheeks.

Blaine and Bridger were going to a anal clash

by Cumcumcum123654richyrich November 13, 2022

anal crawler

A creature that crawls up your ass, stealing your shit and placing it in your mouth.

My breath taste like shit, an anal crawler visited me last night

by Wolfpup1424 May 26, 2020

Anal Porridge

A porridge like substance that is made when you try to hold in diarrhea but it leaks out and mixes with other liquids found in that area. This rancid mixture will only occur when you have swampass or duck butter and some of your sewage leaks out and mixes with it.

Bro i was at a McDonald’s bathroom and i swear someone smeared their anal porridge on the mirrors

by Swampyman May 19, 2019

Anal Apocalypse

An Anal Apocalypse is when you sit on the toilet thinking that you will just take a normal shit, and you end up spending 45 minutes shitting out your end trails while everyone around you is gasping in horror at the groaning they hear through the bathroom stall doors.

On Friday Jeff had went full blown anal apocalypse, and I was around to hear it.

by Goldieloxandthe3cocks November 19, 2021

anal masturbation

the stimulation of the anus and/or rectum for the purpose of arousal by using one's hands or an object

"Anal masturbation feels really good, and I frequently do it in the shower."

by arypter December 9, 2019

anal propeller

created in ww2 Australia, Australians planned to attach dildo's connected to propellers to fly and look at german and Japanese camps. in order to use one, you must put it at least 10 centimetres deep.

those germans have quite fine anal propellers

by everything is gay November 25, 2020