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fine piece of real estate

1) a guy/girl who has all of the qualities you look for in a guy/girl

2) a guy/girl who has got it going on

She is a fine piece of real estate. I'd date that.

by ccomings October 8, 2008

7๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

your mom in a two piece

an insult that can be used at any time refferring to your mother in a two piece bathing suit. similar to "YOUR MOM."

one kid: Man, i heard you were a little bitch.
The other kid: Your mom in a two piece.

by evan c October 25, 2007

15๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

50 Piece Chicken McNuggets

-fifty chicken nuggets available at most Mcdonalds worldwide.
-comes in a giant reusable bucket
-great for sharing
-$20.00 plus tax

After doing chores, Tom and his brother took their $20.00 earnings to McDonalds where they ordered a 50 piece chicken mcnuggets.

by Tara M M M May 7, 2008

50๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž

I own this piece of meat

The expression "I own this piece of meat" is used to describe the event of when a male lets others know in no uncertain terms that a female "belongs" to him.
Most instances are when the male feels threatened in some way by another male's presence, and so publicly gropes/manhandles his female partner to establish ownership.
This condition, stemming from low self-esteem, sexual inadequacy and physical inferiority, is often a manifestation of "small man syndrome".

When you meet a couple on the street, and there is little or no physical contact between the male and female. Immediately after the male sees you seeing them, he puts his arm around his girlfriend's neck or gropes her bum, and looks directly at you whilst doing said actions.
Inn this instance one can imagine the offender saying "I own this piece of meat". Saying this or similar manifests the attitude responsible for the actions.

by ArtoDelFunko March 29, 2009

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Fat piece of feta cheese

It is a certain fatass that is a literal piece of feta cheese as soon as you look at him/her you can feel the amount of chunky fat lard in the air

Wow look at Anthony he such a fucking FAT PIECE OF FETA CHEESE I hope he dies of obesity dabdabdabdabdab

by Hit dat bReEeEeEeEeEeEeZe March 5, 2019

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Break me off a piece

Let me have some booty.

Why don't you break me off a piece of that?

by Rockin in the real world December 11, 2015

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saddle my dome piece

A suggestion for the the act of a girl getting on top; dome piece (head - of penis)

We were making out and then she pulled off my pants and I said "saddle my dome piece!", so she got on top.

by tricky9 February 8, 2011