when an electrical appliance / machine like a photocopier, computer / printer doesn't want to work and in a vain attempt to get the said appliance working, the user will kick (boot) the machine / appliance to try and get it to work
"the photocopier doesn't seem to be working"
"here let me see if I can re-boot it"
Working at something for a long time.
I’ve been at my essay like boots to trainers.
Dora go find some boots is a word you should say to Dora only.
Person 1: ugh can you shut up
Person 2: yeah, Dora go find some boots
Boot sauce is the sweat and bacteria that gets in your shoes after rigorous activity
Can you smell that jim? Yeah it’s just Big Bunkkko’s Boot sauce
Niche slur against Eastern Europeans
"Look at that slimy boot cutter!!"