Five star chick, a woman who knows what she wants, she is a thick, big titties, big ass, who can take a long 8/9 inch fat dick, very well, and gives the best head, and suck a guys balls dry when she suck dick. She can be a slut, and loves to fuck, mainly new dick, but loves steady dick as well. and guys know as a slut, she will be the best slut you will ever get. There for she will have a huge dick count. because the guys know how good she is, and will admire her titties and ass, guys will see her as fun, and sexy. Therefore all she has todo is flirt. She is over all the best woman, because she is also loving and loyal.
That woman is a 5 star chick
november 16th
when chick-fil-a is the 💣 and your crush is the 💣 so you have to take your crush to chick-fil-a
karen want to go to chick-fil-a?
When a woman is considered a dude and not bangable
That chick used to be hot but now is just a sausage chick
Very greasy hands.
- At least wash your hands before surgery.
- No, I’m going in there with chick-fil-a hands.
When a guy sends a girl a long ass text message
Guy 1: Dude, I texted this girl the lyrics to My Dick... I'm so gonna get laid!
Guy 2: Nah man, your just dropping a brick on a chick