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Holy Shitting Dick Nipples

An exclamation, like 'holy shit.'

Was originally created when the curses 'suck my dick,' 'holy shit,' 'Jesus's nipples,' and 'fucking hell' were combined to make the ultimate curse.

Can also refer to the Pope having dicks on his nipples which spew diarrhea, but this isn't as common.

*person gets startled* Holy shitting dick nipples!

by Red Fleming March 23, 2011

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Holy Trinity Catholic School

A horrible school full of sluts and thots

The teachers (other than a select few) like to make students lives horrible

Random kid: You know those niggas at holy trinity catholic school
Other kid: yeah
Random kid: I heard teachers fuck their students there
Other kid: really?

by qwerrtyuiop69 December 10, 2019

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holy n word pass

at the beginning of time the five most powerful black people in the world came together and called on the power of the gods to make the holy n word pass. this n word pass is infinite and can be used against anyone in the world, only one person holds this n word pass. that person is god himself

" i think i just saw the holy n word pass"
" that cant be possible that belongs to god himself"

by aaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh April 17, 2019

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holy mother of burnt croissants

Something Gabby's say when they are playing Fortnite

Holy Mother of Burnt Croissants! I almost got sniped.

by Dark Flare January 8, 2021

Holy Screaming Eagle Shit

1. An expression that is used when someone is surprised, amazed, or disgusted.

2. it is the greater version of "holy shit"

3. it is very popular phrase among military personnel.

1. "You are the worst fucking soldier that has ever served, Holy Screaming Eagle Shit"

2. "Holy Screaming Eagle Shit, dude. I can't believe you made it thru Boot camp."

by 36A April 30, 2014

The United Holy Church of Santa

A religion that meets on Thursdays.
~Church Rules~
You have to have a cat to be a member of this church.
For communion there's eggnog and Christmas cookies.
The Twilight books (by Stephenie Meyer)are the Holy Books.
You will be burnt at the stake if you own a
dog or anything besides cats.
You MUST own a Dane Cook shirt.

Sarah: Do you own a dog?
Random person: Yea, why?
Sarah: It's going to hell along with the birds and the scorpions.
Random person: Umm...OKAY
Sarah: Merry Christmas from The United Holy Church of Santa!!!! *twitch twitch*
Random persom: What the @%^# *walks away wondering if she has tourettes or something*

by Sarah and Morgan December 15, 2008

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Holy Flying Sausage Ninjas

Ninjas made of sausage that are holy, and can fly

Those Holy Flying Sausage Ninjas just killed my gerbil!!!!!!!!

by humandeath September 2, 2011

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