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aids infected cum bubble

A person that gets on your nerves, I.e. A douche bag queer that won't get off your nuts, so you call them an aids infected cum bubble so they will get off your jock. The ultimate comeback for all those anoying "yo mamma" jokes.

Jimmie keeps swingin' from my nuts dawg, dat bitch is a aids infected cum bubble!

by Razer Blade neck cutta November 6, 2009

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boyfriend bubble

When you get a boyfriend, become completely infatuated with him, and forget your other friends. Your boyfriend then becomes your only friend because you only ever hang out with him.

After Katie started dating Mark, she got sucked in the boyfriend bubble and lost all her friends.

by Amanda banana March 11, 2013

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double cum bubble prod

An extremely advanced sex technique that was banned in 19 countries by the Geneva Convention and remains today as one of the most powerful and notorious sex moves history

Double Cum Bubble Prod is when you mold your pre-cum into two separate bubbles on the tip of you cock than you push you dick against her cunt, but you do NOT penetrate.

If you keep prodding repeatedly and you will always cum last :D

The reason its so powerful is because the girl will prepare to be penetrated but it wont come. If you keep doing it she will keep preparing and keep going and going. This is extremely exhausting for her and the technique is primarily used to weaken her so you can be better in bed

However it was banned because the consequence can be dire. Continued usage can cause serious damage to her ass and may eventually cause severe sex problems in the next 16 years.

It can also be used to punish her and shit thats why it was banned

But besides that its a sick way to get that shit pumped, baby

DUDE 1: Bro one of my mentors taught me how to do the Double Cum Bubble Prod man

she was like -_- O_O -_- O_O -_- O_O

DUDE 2: Dude thats not cool she was probably hurt man

DUDE 1: Nah Im just pumping that shit homie

by Notorious waaay August 31, 2011

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dirty bloody cunt bubble

A girl who has a nasty vagina and it has bubbles full of blood and everytime a guy touches her vagina the blood gets all over his mouth Likes to showoff her nasty bloody vagina to any guy who wants to fuck her. She may look good at first but thanwhen u get up in her nasty ass vagina ur gunna regret it.

Destiny has a nasty dirty bloody cunt bubble.

by Purpleniggas November 30, 2012

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bites whale bubbles

A huge in salt to describe someone

I bet he bites whale bubbles

by Overline58 August 17, 2017

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girlfriend bubble

When you get a girlfriend and forget all your other friends. Your girlfriend then becomes the only friend you have.

Dude 1: Where has Tom been? He doesn't come to our bro fests anymore.

Dude 2: Don't be expecting him anytime soon. He got trapped in a girlfriend bubble just last week.

by Amanda banana March 11, 2013

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bubbles from angry birds

this little bird who has the power of deviant art on his side,and loves candy and is also cool because he is fine and cute and he is a Jamician Oreo basically

Person 1: look at this bubbly boi hes so cute!
Person 2: He stole my candy
Person 1: oof
person 2:looks like bubbles from angry birds did the deviant art

by elegant duck thing October 21, 2021