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people who use this word for no reason are stupid

Friend 1: OMG!! SHOE
Friend 2: stfu ur stupid

by IDontLikeShoes January 13, 2022



Shoe Shoe Shoe Shoe Shoe Shoe Shoe

by fsdifsdigsdhf-9wejfijsdvpdcl January 21, 2023


A way a goody two shoes call hoes, hoes without saying the actual word hoe because they are afraid of being heard. moving the s in shoe to the end equals hoes

goody two shoes- "did you see the shoes in the bathroom vaping this morning"

not goody two shoes- "just say hoes already, im getting sick of this fucking language"

by Heeyyygirl April 3, 2019


Shoes is show you sense of style you a bad bitch if you got off white 1s

Shoes are everything to me

by Shoes are for me nigga February 3, 2022


Fucking stuff you put on your foot

Guy 1 : where do you use shoes ?
Guy 2 : on your fucking foot

by Young add August 17, 2019


Something you throw at people and then eat at a family dinner. Also as perfume.

My shoe is the best.

by NightmareMattu November 1, 2019


Shoes- shoes r- well.. the houses/ beds for your feet, shoes can come in many forms because- humans like to overcomplicate things...

Shoes are for your feet- to hide your feet, cause there is no such thing as pretty feet ( sorry for those who love there feet or have a foot fetish ) you know what feet are so ugly we invented a second layer to hide them- socks.

Your feet: ” im cold and everyone is staring at me”

You: “no problem one second...”

* put on socks *

You: “ no wait your not hidden enough you can still se the shape of your feet”

- adds shoes -

You : “ Perfect “ 👌🏻

by That_artsyweirdo November 6, 2019