a blow job given in an apologetic manner
or a blow job given as an apology
sorry i threw up on your rug...
let me give you an Apolo-J
sorry i ditched you last night
An Apolo-J will make it better
You'll always find a Big J in your life, they're kind, caring and funny seemingly a real genuine people person. You'll always have fun on a night out with people like Big J; however, don't be fooled they are cunning and calculated individuals that strive for nothing more than to gain leverage against you.
Yes, you might argue that you have had fun nights out with a Big J; but that embarrassing incident, will forever be in his arsenal to climb the social ladder.
He's an absolute liability on nights out but will deny it till the grave.
If you find yourself (un)fortunate enough to encounter a Big J you had best be gaining leverage of your own, which can prove difficult when they embrace their embarrassing and silly behaviour.
Person 1: So, I heard about the bin incident.
Person 2: Wait, how?! I only told...Big J...damn.
Person 1: You left me alone on a night out and abandoned me!
Big J: That's a lie, you ditched me.
Person 1: You can't tell anyone about the horse.
Big J: Don't you worry...
(Later that day...)
Big J: Did I tell you what Person 1 said about the horse?!
Person 3: No, tell me!
African-American 6 foot tall man who's a chad, 15 inch penis, all the hoes ong.
Marijuana or weed something you smoke and get high off of
Example 1: im bout 2 go buy some bizzle j
Example 2: Damn That Bizzle j is banging
Fucking a girl anally then pulling a poo cock out and sticking in her period vagina
When J Hope shows you the holy way of life by scaring the thot in your by using hobi water
RM needs J pope because he 'is so pure'
"Japan", name of country, with undeliberate censorship of second letter due to automatic censorship of racial slur "jap". Sometimes used ironically.
Why does this board have so weird censorship policy? I can't even spell J*pan right.