The act of ultimate fornication. Requires 3 people for maximum efficiency. Person 1 makes a paper aeroplane, person 2, having consumed numerous laxative tablets, then shits (excessively) on top of it, before throwing it on person 3’s chest, creating a nuclear shit explosion. The Kim Jong Poo.
Tom: I think Beth is getting bored of me.
Jamie: I think I could help you out with that, let me help you give her a Kim Jong Poo.
Tom: What on earth is that?!
Jamie: just lay a tarpaulin on your bed and let me work my magic.
He is a member of the korean boy group CIX, he really likes mint choco, he is very cute and kind, he is very good at math, his charm on stage is very captivating. once you know him you will fall in love with him. stan CIX everyone!!
people say nothing's perfect until kim yonghee existed
Kim joshua- is a pilipino guy that have a perfect body
He is very hondsome
He is very hot
He is very yummy
He have a 8 pack abs
He have a long dick(12inch)
Kim joshua sobrang sarap mo
Kim joshua napaka haba at laki ng titi mo sarap mong kainin
Kim joshua your so hot and yummy,i want to sex with you
Kim joshua your so hondsome, i like you
Kim joshua nice abs and body
Kim is a teacher, he likes to touch all his students, mostly male studens, and if you report him he will make his spider eat you.
my teacher is a guy named kim, is that good?