Verb: The act of fapping in a particularly creepy manner.
Herbert the pervert: Cone over here little boy. Let me foodle your noodle.
A Guinea that stands there and washes his own angel hair repeatedly for countless hours.
Aye look that kid Ant Vitorio what a noodle washer.
Absolute idiot, A fucking baboon, Noodle god.
"Oh look, a noodle person!" "Get the gun Jimmy."
A time when people eat spaghetti and stuff like that. And play games!
I want spaghetti.
Its noodle time.
It’s is when 2 people that are paralyzed from neck down have sex and the 2 people suck the cum for 2 hours straight
We did that wrestling noodle and sucked cum for 2 hours.
A snake thats so FUCKING cute you just wanna boop its snoot even if you get bit
"Yo Jack look at that little boople noodle!"
"Don't trust it man, i already lost a finger to him."
When the cheese sauce for your noodles is so thick and delicious that there's just no other way to describe it.
AKA: mac & cheese but better
Jenni said, "Sorry I missed your call, but I was totally having some fondue with noodles and wine."