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canadian spooning

when one spoons in bed with a bunch of canadian stunt cocks

Canadian spooning is when the guys all snuggling together in bed , one behind the other.

by Bullpen2017 January 28, 2018

dirty spoon

n: a cuddle or snuggle position where a male partner is lying on his side, pressed-in closely from behind, with a detectable erection

v: to press-in closely from behind, on one's side, as a male partner with a detectable erection

"My guy and I ended up in a dirty spoon before getting out of bed for work."

"Then he said; 'Let's dirty spoon and see where it leads...'"

by Kimuendo Entendre December 23, 2023

Dirty Spoon

Big spoon falls asleep with penis in little spoons ass.

It was cold in Texas but I dirty spooned Jackie in the Honda civic to stay warm.

by Cbonesteak March 20, 2024

Dirty spoon

When spooning and little spoon has big spoons cock in their rectum.

I fell asleep dirty spooning last night. We were spooning with my cock in her butt.

by Cbonesteak March 23, 2024

Spoon whore

A person of the female gender who fires up drugs and will fuck you for a 💉 shot. They always say they ain't one till you bust out a quarter gram

If you need to bust a nut bruh just call jenn that fucking spoon whore will fuck anyone for a shot just give her ur wash

Hugh janus

by Throat plumber August 28, 2023

lemon spoon

when someone pinches your butthole

dude she just lemon spooned me

by xsleepyz December 17, 2022