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Gas Station Blow Job

Typically when 2 of the opposite gender meet in a gas station bathroom and perform a blow job.

Yo me and Trish had a gas station blow job at a 7/11 on the side of I-95 South!

by tuggiespecialist69 December 6, 2022

gas station hot (girl)

Gas Station Hot girl: An attractive but rumpled female. They are found often times wearing shorts, baggy jeans, University tank tops and cheap heels or flip flops. Usually seen in passing at gas stations, grocery stores, and other similar locations. Mentally you think "Doable", but you don't hear wedding bells.

She's gas station hot (girl). Did her up against the wall but don't know her name.

by LitGetGrl August 4, 2020

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Gas Powered Snow Blower

When you put cocaine in a hookers butthole and she farts it up into your nose

She gave me a gas powered snow blower last night

by lilnasy6969 April 29, 2022

Gas you up

A slang to describe anal or wanting to do anal.

Jared: Damn baby, your booty is looking really good after that shower
Sharon: Omg stop baby you’re making me blush
Jared: how bout you let me gas you up real quick before we head to bed.

by Renitsu January 27, 2020

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Frozen people found in alleys and dumpsters the morning after an extremely cold night.

Every time the temperature drops into the single digits, there are bound to be at least one nig-ga-cic-le laying in the street.

by Frankie Burns November 24, 2013

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Hip Hop Gas Station

A gas station you drive by at night, and the gentlemen with baggy clothes, along with women dressed like prostitutes, give the illusion that the gas station in case is currently filming a hip hop music video.

I drove to the Conoco to get gas, but realized that it was a hip hop gas station, and decided to risk trying to find another station in a less ghetto part of town.

by dpeters37 September 13, 2011

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Puerto Rican Gas Pedal

The act of placing pressure on a woman’s head and face with one’s foot while plowing her from behind. Ideally while she is ass up and face down. Once the pressure is applied, imitate the sound of a shitty motorcycle and hold on for a ride as the woman tries to buck you off due to the amount of disrespect.

Stacy always wanted to be treated dirty as she was fucked from behind. Her reluctant boyfriend gave her a Puerto Rican Gas Pedal in order to comply with her request and brag about doing a PRGP.

by Jogen July 3, 2016

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