Source Code

Day Time

Street term for Crystal Meth.

Hey, can I get 40 of Day Time?

by Mxe91 December 10, 2019

winky time

Often used as a code word for masturbating in the most enjoyable way possible.

Boy: I'm ready to have winky time later babe ;)

Girl: Yeah babe i love doing it to the sight of your hard cock ;)

by Minecraft888 June 16, 2019

Tweak time

Someone who is hours late for everything.

Hey girl what are you doing?
Girl: waiting on Nick to pick me up to give me a ride home.

You might as well make a cot girl he on that tweak time.

“Stacy I really want Rain and Brandi to be in my wedding.”
“Well you better tell them 3 hours before you want then here girl because they on that tweak time”

Is Mary ready yet?

No she on that tweak time.

by ashane May 4, 2021

Bendy Time

A moment where you do so many drugs on top of drinking you get bendy or twisted.

Hey Ricardo you going bang that stinky pussy or come do a line and some shots. It's bendy time baby!!!

by Grannygusher69 September 9, 2021

Tommy Time

Where no time exists but Tommy's time. In his mind things that he said will only take 10 mins will take him 2 hours. Never plan on what time he said and add at least 2 hours to every amount of time he says.... Maybe even add a day or 2.

Tommy said he'll be here in like 2 hours, he's finishing the brakes on his car...... 5 hours later.... Where's Tommy? He's on Tommy time.

by The real Tommy April 10, 2018

rave time

Something Daniel Howell says whenever flashing lights appear

Phil: “Oh look at that Christmas tree! It has flashing lights!”
Dan: “Rave Time, rave time, rave time!”

by Phil’s eyelash November 29, 2017

Time capsuling

Time capsuling is talking or teaching someone younger about the past.

I was playing a standup Pac-Man game and got the high score, I did some time capsuling with my kid how to plug high score initials in.

by ShimSham September 16, 2018