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Toilet Pimp

1. Someone who purposefully 'pimps' their toilet to achieve their maximum seepage discharge rate.

"Oh no! I am constipated! I'll have to pimp my toilet!"

by Fish Plops November 17, 2004

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Gothic Pimp

1) A Person into the goth or gothic life style that has much luck attrating the opposite sex(Being goth or not) for what ever reason.
2)A Pimp that manages female goths for prostitutes and engages them in gothic prostitution (What ever that my be).

"You see that kid with the skulls and chains? He has fucked more girls then both of us put together."
"I dont consider myself a player, more of a gothic pimp."

by DieWeak73 September 16, 2007

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A person who is really fly and is a genius in AP Bio with Mr. Kotzan. Must say things like "fo shizzle mi nizzle" and "G,U,NI, Tizzi" and only listen to good jamz, this means no Ja Rule. Ya Herd! Also See Bio Bitch, Bio Slut and Bio Whore.

"Scottie be a Bio PIMP, he be gettin A+ on tha cell shiz

by ChicaRica November 6, 2003

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Pimp Taco

A term used for refering to a pimps hoes; a pimp owns a hoe who may have a pink taco

AY! Yo how much is it fo one yo pimp tacos?

I had some pimp tacos last night for dinner.

Hey bro you wanna go get some pimp tacos?

by Shadow3xa January 18, 2006

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Pimp Shrimp

Any small kid thats a friend and kinda cool.

Tony is the Pimp Shrimp.

by I'm Not Gay May 26, 2005

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Pimp Slap

To be dismissed as irrelevant. To be put down verbally.
To be figuratively slapped .

Dude 1: Dude, that meeting was rough.
Dude 2: I know, the boss really pimp slapped you when you started to say we should stop focusing on the bottom line.
Dude 1: That bitch didn't even listen to me. I hate her.

Playa 1: Did ya see that hottie at the club last night giving me the once over?
Playa 2: N**** please, that hood rat was just checking you out 'cause she can't believe someone still wears Tommy in 2006.
Playa 1: Why you do me like that? I'm not some 'ho that you can pimp slap whenever you want.

by Bif Loman March 23, 2006

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pimp juice

My pimp juice is Dr Josh Thomas.

I'm really horny so I must call my pimp juice at once!

by Berly July 25, 2004

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