When an 8 year old sees someone in roblox who is so good and he is trash and he gets killed or something like that by the pearson he says NOOB , UR USING HACKS in the chat.
Pro roblox arsenal player:Kills 8 year old
8 year old in chat:Ur a NOOB,UR USING HACKS
A term to describe someone who is fake depressed and who cuts their wrist
You-Hey emo kid show me ur wrist
Emo kid- shows cuts on wrist
the insult that will blow your dick straight off and you won't ever have sex with anybody
Fat Fuck: you a nigga
You: ur mom gay lol
Fat Fuck: shit well i cant reproduce
Well you could say that your mom gay, your dad lesbian , your granny tranny and your grandpap a trap is bad, like really bad, but then you haven't heared of this yet! this will completely destroy your hopes and dreams! no u ain't even possible on this one.
Her: Your grandpap a trap
Me: Ur aunt a gass plant
Her *evaporates and gets swollen by a demon*
your gradmother
your gonna die soon kevin bc you have cancer also i am dating your mother
Worst insult ever worse than ur dad lesbian or ur sister a mister
Alex: Ur mom gay
Jones: Ur dad lesbian
Alex: Ur dad likes spageth
Jones: *throws up, explodes, goes to hell*