The loneliest whale in the world." A whale that sings at a frequency of 52 Hertz, which is unusually high for a whale. Because of this, no other whale ever responded to it's call. It cries out for companionship that never comes. It roams the ocean all alone.
When a small government fucks something up.
"That twenty six thousand dollar golf simulator sure is an exploding whale."
The act of watching porn, arose when pornhub decided to donate money to save whales for every view they get.
Jack is a lone man, he loves saving whales.
The display of sexual intercourse between two fat mammals.
Waddup pal, I found some crazy whale porn gangbang, 3 obese niggers pounding a 500 lbs milf.
While whale watching we observed the penetration of a female humpback whale by the 9 feet penis of an male orca. Best life whale porn ever !
To verbally or physically berate or attack someone
The team whale the tar of the opposition 2-20. The security guard dragged them round the corner and whales the tar out of them.
Beat or thrash someone severely. Another definition of whale is to attach either verbally or physically. hit or beat someone.
The team whale the tar out of their opponent 20-2. The security officer dragged them into the lane way and started whaling the tar out of them
A girl who constantly goes after guys who are the size of ginormous whales.
Denny: “Did you hear about Sarah dating that sweaty looking fat fuck named Taylor? He is light years out of that girls league.
Frank: “That is what’s known as a whale whore.”