Hot sex boy with a 16 foot HUGE COCK is great in bed pulls girls panties of with his teeth and any girl will be lucky to get that dick and suck it and keep him close and make sure to have good times with him lady’s let not talk about how good of a kisser
Byron young is one of the greatest guy
A basic lesbian who likes plants, cats, and meditation.
That Ria Young is super cute
A Very young adolescent Generally a adolescent ages 10-12.
The books are for super young adults
A person younger than you. Usually by a small number of years. This is generally a younger female.
Hey, you should go talk to that “young fish”.
Nah, that’s definitely a case.
1. A woman not quite old enough to be a grandmother but has grandchildren.
2. Grandmother younger than age 50 that refuses to be called grandma.
3. Sexy Asian female age 20-25
4. A youthful vagina punani
" my daughter just had a baby but I refuse to be called anyone's grandmother until I'm at least 55. Im too young and still too hot for that...So they call me Nani"
" I told my daughter, "your children don't have a grandmother, they have a Hot Young Nani!"