Source Code

sell out

Someone Who Is Either With Someone All Day/Or Is Close Mates With Someone . .And Then When They See Someone Else , They Walk Off With Them And Do Not Realy Care About The Others Or What They're Doing . .
They Will Walk Off Without Even Saying Bye Or Looking Back . .

Peter And Sarah Are Bast Mates With Cass , And Then When They Saw Kev , He Said He's Got Weed , And They Just Walked Off And Sold Me Out. . Sell Outs

by sum one1 December 12, 2008

Sell out

Mario (smosh, January 16, 2015)

Look up "sell out" in the dictionary, and see Mario
Got your face on everything just like a Nintend-ho
Keep copies of your game in the bathroom for when I need to wipe
Peach always gets kidnapped because your too busy plumbing Luigi's pipe
You try to roll hard like your name is Donkey Kong
But through your girly-ass tights, we can see your tiny dong
We've been fighting for years, don't need another player
Go run along with Sega and be another failure
You're a pedo-stached, preening pussy plumbing fucking prick
On the roster, you're the reject that no one ever picks
It ain't my fault you're always losing your chick, sorry
Your princess is in another castle, suckin' my dick!

by Yeslol69420 May 31, 2021

Sell Out

Sell Outs are people who used to have fun back in the day. Now they invest all their time playing video games such as animal crossing, catching fish like the rare blue gill.

Tyler, “Since when did Chris become such a sell out?? I broke up with him, I miss the old him and being porked so well by him.”
Mario, “You just need to move on already. It doesn’t seem like he’s interested in anything nowadays! I asked him to go on a vacation to California and he doesn’t want to go!!”
Tyler, “Wow, only sell outs deny vacations!”

by Minoy4667 April 11, 2020

sell out


Any old lazarbeam video (youtube sell out)

by Yeetsville September 2, 2019

Sell out

A sell-out is someone who doesn't have a straight life to live because they're always selling out one day to the next.to live one way than another

we all down but that dude is a sell out.

by Sizzyboi October 1, 2020

sell out

Lazarbeam: Lankan Eacott

Is that the sell out?

by LittleSpeedy120 May 14, 2019

Sell out

An individual who makes plans with others but when the time comes to meet up that individual never shows up and doesn't call nor text.

Brandon W made plans to eat wings with a friend, Not only did he not show up but he never called or texted as to why. He is a sell out.

by BigDickBandit1998 June 5, 2024