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Maple Leaf fan

1.a person that speeks greatly of the worst hockey team ever.
2. synonym for dumbass
3. person with lack of life.

leafs suck.
go sens go.
hey jim, i feel bad for those maple leaf fans, there going to be so dissapointed when they lose once again.

by james. f. January 7, 2006

70πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž

Besiktas Fan

Turkish slang for being a peadophile

Why is that man staring at children in the playground?
He’s a besiktas fan.

by DickheadWordCreator September 2, 2020

2πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

One Song Fan

A person who considers themselves a huge fan of a certain band, mostly to the point of purchasing the band's merchandise and attending their concerts, despite only knowing one of their songs, most of the time being the band's most mainstream hit.

One Song Fan: "Oh my god!!!! I'm the biggest fan of AFI!!! They rock!!! I wanna see them live!!!"

Friend: "Ok cool. What's your fave AFI song?"

One Song Fan: "Miss Murder. But that's the only song I've heard from them. But they ROCK!!! I love them!!!"

by renegadesoldier August 20, 2006

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Ohio State Fan

Someone who likes to lick nuts

Roderick is a Ohio State fan

by Tmac0522 October 24, 2017

13πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

manchester united fan

An absolute fucking wanker who thinks there hard and know fuck all about football.

What a fucking sad twat that Manchester United fan is

by Mancityrthebest April 18, 2020

19πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

A Johnny derp fan

A person who is so stupidly biased for johnny depp they don't even realise it

That guy is clearly a johnny derp fan if he can't see they were both abusers

by Cheekytikki May 30, 2022

Stupid Heat Fan

Dylan Lamchick the 19

I have to go to camp with a stupid Heat fan, Dylan Lamchick the 19

by ffkfjkjhbuj April 21, 2022