1. alter ego of Bellesa, a wildly popular ethical porn and sex toy company run by women
2. oddly common mispronunciation of Bellesa’s instagram handle
3. the gift fairy and VIP guest at Cardi B’s 28th bday
1. “My ~containers~ from Belle Saco arrived today.”
“You mean Bellesa?”
2. Person 1: *reads handle out loud* belle saco?
Person 2: The website is Bellesa. It’s just pronounced Bell-ESS-ah.
Person 1: Bellesa?
Person 2: Bellesa.
Person 1: Cool. Got it. thanks, bb!
3. “Where did all these vibrators come from??”
“Belle Saco brought them!”
a person who is a Latin American girl has beautiful eyes, lips, nose, and all over on her face. she is such like a perfect queen of the universe. All the things are end of her.
How dare don't you know Say la Belle?
The act of swinging your balls back and forth between your thighs to signify the hour of day or combat bat winging
Nick: "It's so humid today, I'm bat winging like a mother fucker"
Jake: "bell towering is the solution"
A soul mate, best friend, travel partner with a great bum
Every one needs a beautiful bell in there lives to live and pinch