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Bill Cosby pills

When you druged someone and after that you rape that person when they are under your Bill Cosby Pills.

Me: goddamn man!
Friend: What happened?
Me: I was so drunk last night it felt like i was Bill Cosby pills

by lightburn April 18, 2017

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wild bill hiccup

When a chick (or dude) gives you a wild Bill (blow job), and then hiccups causing a bubble cum to emerge from their mouth.

GEORGE W.: I asked Monica Lewinsky to give me a wild Bill in the Limousine. After she swallowed my cum, she did a wild Bill hiccup. Hell, I thought the airbags had deployed!

by Sgt. Willy McCoy December 24, 2006

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duck billed platipus

when a woman is laying on her side on a bed , with her ass hanging off and grabbing her ankles. The guy come from behind and puts his hands around her head in the praying position(the duck bill) and gives swift abdominal thrusts

after travis got his redwings he proceeded to give amanda a duck billed platipus

by emoney June 20, 2004

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Paying the bills


John doesn't want to have sex with Jane while she's paying the bills. He hates the mess.

by The (Real) Great Western Satan January 23, 2012

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dirty bill cosby

It is when after having a roofie slipped to you, the person performing the cosby shoves rocks into your vagina and then pisses on you. after then, he shits his pants, grabbing a hand full of shit and smearing feces onto your face

That hoe got a dirty bill cosby cause shes a dum cunt

by MikeTheNigger February 25, 2017

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Bill Cosby

God. He is all. He is existence. Bill Cosby is love, Bill Cosby is life. He created us all from a jello pudding pop of life.

Praise Bill Cosby for this Puddin Pop.

by Cosby Cultist April 15, 2015

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lower your bills

the act of lowering your bills to a low position. lowering your bills is quite pleasurable and involves drinking gallons of a mans semen.

"She loves to lower your bills whenever needed."

by jerry c June 3, 2007

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