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An example of something vital, or something forgotten

Steve: I feel like i forgot something
Joe: What'dya forget?
Steve: I dunno...probably something vital like the Cure-to-the-Common-Cold...

by LeeAnne R June 13, 2007

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Cold bitch winter

It’s when you need to settle down and worry about staying warm instead of worrying about twerking , bitching , etc

Girl you wanna go to this party , hell naw it’s cold bitch winter

by Gangstamoep October 10, 2019

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cold and prickley higgins

1. The act of making a person feel like shit.
2. The feeling a person gets after they have been shit on.

I volunteered to come into work on my day off, and when I got there my boss yelled at me for being 1 minute late. Now I plan to kill myself, I feel like I got cold and prickley higginsed.

by higgins March 25, 2005

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stone cold stunner

When you rub ice on your penis, then fuck your girlfriend.

Jeff: Dude did you fuck Kayla?
John: Hell yeah, I gave that bitch a stone cold stunner.

by insane_yeti131313 November 10, 2006

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cold as a witches titty

when you are outside and your nipples are sticking straight out

my wife and i walked outside and i said wow your cold as a witches titty!!!!

by coldliketitty February 9, 2007

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Cold burn

A person one has sex with but has to be sexually aroused by something or someone else first.

Man that chick is a cold burn.

by Bugga B November 23, 2007

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Cold booty

When you sit on wet grass all night and got yourslef self a cold booty

Oh dang son I just got myself some cold booty

by Milk Sauce July 2, 2016

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